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Topic SEO, Tips,

If your company doesn’t appear in an online search, you could miss out on jobs.

When someone has an issue with their home, whether that be plumbing, electrical work, or an HVAC repair, the easiest thing to do is perform a quick search online to find a nearby field service provider. These searches are key to getting your business hired, and more often than not, these crucial searches are occurring on mobile devices.

It’s no secret that technology plays an important part of everyone’s day to day activities. People eat, shop, communicate, and more — all at the touch of button. This means that it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to be found at that touch of a button.

Today, website creation and optimization are the best way to be hired as a field service business. While your company may have thrived for years with little to no online presence, times are changing. Even if you’re visible online but lack website optimization, you’ll be more likely to get lost in the shuffle.

Smartphones and tablets have changed the game.

Online marketing expert Neil Patel has frequently highlighted just how common, and important, digital searches for local businesses have become: 89% of consumers are searching for home services at least once a week and 58% are doing so daily. It’s time to ask, if someone searched for your service in your area, would they be able to find you?

A good website is all about the content. This optimization requires accurate and detailed content in order to properly use your website as a promotional tool. Your end result should be to demonstrate to the consumer why you’re the business they should call.

To improve your online visibility and get more leads, consider the following tips.

Making your website easily readable on mobile devices helps your business in two ways. Smartphones are officially everywhere, and by making it easier for people to access your company’s information from anywhere, you are making it easier for them to hire you. When customers decide to look up a field service business, there is a good chance they will search for the issue and solution directly from their phones. If your site looks awkward on a small screen, the potential client may pass you by and pick the next search result.

Search Engine Journal provides another compelling reason to mobile-optimize a site: Google actually prefers sites that have features to improve their performance on smart devices. Once you’ve implemented an adaptive design, it’s time to think about content features that will make the site easy and enjoyable for mobile users to interact with.

Short meta titles and scalable images are great features. Screen-obscuring popups should be avoided.

Customers can make a call to your business at any time, especially if they are finding your company through web searches. In fact, Patel noted that 76% of local searches will typically lead to a phone call. Don’t miss out on those valuable leads!

Your website should make this transition from internet to voice as easy as possible by ensuring phone numbers are clickable links for smart devices. For field services, the phone is the highest-priority link between digital and traditional contact methods. Always place your phone number in a locked header on your site. This will ensure the phone number is prominent upon first loads for consumer and also keeps the phone number front and center as they scroll and click through your pages.

Once you create a website that is easy for search engines to find, represents your company well, and makes you visible to the consumers in your area, it’s tempting to declare the job done. However, there’s always more to do.

The digital world moves at a lightening pace and your site’s content can quickly become outdated as seasons and home service technology change. Certain keywords may not be as effective as they were when you first implemented them, for example.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert Jon Rognerud noted in Entrepreneur that you should test your search effectiveness time and again. Utilize a spreadsheet to update your data and understand whether performance is growing or declining. This will help you determine when, and where, you need fresh content regardless of whether anything changes within your business.

Search engines are more likely to display your site if you are frequently publishing new, relevant pieces, so be sure to keep up with your website changes.

Follow these tips to ensure that your field service company will be visible in the highly competitive digital era. Stay up to date on trends, new ways to optimize, and your own site performance. At the end of the day, the goal is to offer consumers an easy to find and easy to understand service that matches their needs. If you can do this, those leads are yours.

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